Prognostic Factors in Blunt Eye Trauma
Original Article
P: 32-38
January 2013

Prognostic Factors in Blunt Eye Trauma

Turk J Ophthalmol 2013;43(1):32-38
1. S. B Adana Numune Egitim Ve Arastirma Hastanesi, Göz Hastaliklari Bölümü, Adana, Türkiye
2. S.B. Dr. Askim Tüfekçi Devlet Hastanesi, Göz Hastaliklari Bölümü, Adana, Türkiye
3. S.B. Ankara Egitim Ve Arastirma Hastanesi, Göz Hastaliklari Bölümü, Ankara, Türkiye
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 21.07.2012
Accepted Date: 11.10.2012



To determine the factors affecting the outcome of best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) in blunt ocular trauma cases.

Ma­te­ri­al and Met­hod:

142 eyes of 142 patients, who were admitted to the 2nd Eye Clinic Emergency Service of M.H. Ankara Training and Research Hospital between June 2007 and August 2008, with blunt ocular trauma were prospectively included in the study in terms of the last-measured BCVA, the factors affecting it, and the ensuing complications. According to the one-way analysis of variance, the effect of initial visual acuity (p = 0.039), incision size (p = 0.029), relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD) (p<0.001), zone (p <0.001), posterior segment findings (p= 0.001.), and ocular trauma score (OTS) effect (p <0.001) on worsening of the last-measured BCVA were statistically significant.


Patient age ranged from 3 to 76 years (mean age: 31.9 ±17.6 years). One hundred and seven cases (75.4%) were male and 35 (24.6%) were female. The last-measured BCVA in 120 cases (84.5%) was found to be log MAR ≤ 1.00 and in 22 cases (15.5%) was log MAR > 1.00.


Blunt eye injury is a preventable cause of permanent visual loss, which can affect people of all ages. It is important to know the factors affecting the last-measured BCVA for the implementation of a systematic and accurate treatment approach to each patient. The effect of initial visual acuity, the size of the incision, the presence of RAPD, zone, posterior segment findings, and of a low value of the OTS on worsening of the last-measured BCVA were considered significant statistically.


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