Akraba evliliği/consanguineous marriage | 252 |
Akut maküler nöroretinopat/ | |
Acute macular neuroretinopathy | 123, 193 |
Albinizm/Albinism | 321 |
Alt oblik kas hiperfonksiyonu/ | |
Inferior oblique muscle overaction | 82 |
Ambliyopi/Amblyopia | 317 |
Anemi/Anemia | 381 |
Anjiyografi/Angiography | 264 |
Anti-vasküler endotelyal büyüme faktör/ | |
Anti-vascular endothelial growth factor | 110, 275 |
Anti-VEGF tedavi/Anti-VEGF treatment | 163 |
Arka kapsül opasifikasyonu/Posterior capsular opacification | 1 |
Asferisite/ asphericity | 127 |
BAK/BAC | 75 |
Bakteriyel keratit/ acterial keratitis | 258 |
Bartonella henselae nöroretiniti/ | |
Bartonella henselae neuroretinitis | 371 |
Behçet üveit/ Behçet’s uveitis | 169 |
Bevacizumab/Bevacizumab | 187 |
Beyaz nokta sendromu/White dot syndrome | 248 |
Bilateral disk ödemi/Bilateral disc swelling | 371 |
Biyolojikler/Biologics | 169 |
Blefaroplasti/Blepharoplasty | 151 |
BRAF/BRAF | 50 |
Brinzolamid/Brinzolamide | 44 |
Çam kese böceği/Pine processionary caterpillar | 107 |
Cerrahi sonuçlar/Surgical result | 82 |
Cerrahi/Surgery | 94 |
Chrysomya bezziana/Chrysomya bezziana | 381 |
Çocuk/Child | 271 |
Damar dansitesi/Vessel density | 228 |
Deksametazon implant/Dexamethasone implant | 115 |
Derin öğrenme/Deep learning | 37 |
Dermatoşalazis/Dermatochalasis | 151 |
Dikkat eksikliği ve hiperaktivite bozukluğu/ | |
Attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder | 15 |
Diyabetik maküla ödemi/Diabetic macular edema | 163 |
Doğum ağırlığı/Birth weight | 351 |
Doğum haftası/Gestational age | 351 |
Dünya Sağlık Örgütü/World Health Organization | 288 |
Eğik optik disk/Tilted optic disc | 190 |
Eklem hipermobilites/Joint hypermobility | 71 |
Elipsoid zon reflektivitesi/Ellipsoid zone reflectivity | 283 |
Enfeksiyöz keratit/Infectious keratitis | 323 |
Epiretinal membran/Epiretinal membrane | 56 |
Ezotropya/Esotropia | 143 |
Fakoemülsifikasyon/Phacoemulsification | 115, 133, 308 |
Fortifiye antibiyotik/Fortified antibiotics | 258 |
Fovea plana/Fovea plana | 190, 339 |
Foveal avasküler zon/Foveal avascular zone | 228 |
Foveal hipolaz/Foveal hypoplasia | 321 |
Fungal keratit/Fungal keratitis | 107 |
Fusarium/Fusarium | 332 |
Füzyonel verjan/Fusional vergence | 15 |
Ganglion hücre tabakası/Ganglion cell layer | 211 |
Gangliyon hücre kompleksi/Ganglion cell complex | 26 |
Gaz geçirgen sert lensler/Rigid gas-permeable lenses | 234 |
Gen/gene | 216 |
Genetik/Genetics | 143 |
Gevşek göz kapağı/Floppy eyelid | 356 |
Glokom/Glaucoma | 26, 264 |
Görme keskinliği/Visual acuity | 1 |
Görsel performans/Visual performance | 339 |
Görüntüleme/Imaging | 169 |
Göz içi basıncı/Intraocular pressure | 211, 271 |
Göz/Eye | 53 |
Granüler kornea distrofisi Tip 1/ | |
Granular corneal dystrophy type 1 | 64 |
Graves oftalmopatisi/ Graves’ ophthalmopathy | 221 |
Greft sağkalımı/Graft survival | 323 |
Greft yetmezliği/Graft rejection | 304 |
GYK-15/ GQL-15 | 75 |
Hemianopsi/Hemianopsia | 317 |
Hibrit lensler/ Hybrid lenses | 234 |
İn vivo konfokal mikroskopi/ | |
In vivo confocal microscopy | 107, 183 |
İndosiyanin yeşil anjiyograf/ | |
Indocyanine green angiography | 248 |
İntrakamaral bevasizumab/Intracameral bevacizumab | 107 |
İntraoküler inflamasyon/Intraocular inflammation | 107 |
İntravitreal enjeksiyon/Treatment response | 275 |
İnverse retinitis pigmentosa/Inverse retinitis pigmentosa | 107 |
İris pigment epitel kist/Iris pigment epithelial cyst | 31 |
İris stroma kisti/Iris stroma | 31 |
İskemi/Ischemia | 123 |
İyot/Iodine | 255 |
Kalıtım/Inheritance | 143 |
Kapak laksisitesi/Eyelid laxity | 356 |
Katarakt cerrahisi/Cataract surgery | 390 |
Katarakt/Cataract | 94, 133, 288 |
Keratit/Keratitis | 107, 206, 332 |
Keratokonus/Keratoconus | 20, 200, 234, 339 |
Keratometri/Keratometry | 151 |
Kirpik ptozisi/Eyelash ptosis | 356 |
Kistoid maküler ödem/Cystoid macular edema | 252 |
Kırmızı hastalık/Red disease | 99 |
Koherens/Coherence | 264 |
Kollajen çapraz bağlama/Collagen cross-linking | 200 |
Kolon kanseri/Colon cancer | 377 |
Konjenital katarakt/Congenital cataract | 245 |
Konjonktiva melanomu/Conjunctival melanoma | 293, 362 |
Konjonktiva/Conjunctiva | 53 |
Kontakt lensler/Contact lenses | 234 |
Kontrast duyarlılık/Contrast sensitivity | 151 |
Körlük/Blindness | 288 |
Kornea/Cornea | 20, 71 |
Korneal ödem/Corneal edema | 115 |
Korneal topografi/Corneal topography | 20 |
Koroid kalınlığı/Choroidal thickness | 221 |
Koryoretinit/Chorioretinitis | 248 |
Kraniyofarenjiom/Craniopharyngioma | 317 |
Kuru göz hastalığı/Dry eye disease | 133, 390 |
Leberin herediter optik nöropatisi/ | |
Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy | 313 |
Lenfoma/Lymphoma | 53 |
Makine öğrenme/Machine learning | 37, 392, 393 |
Maküla deliği/Macular hole | 283 |
Maküler atrofi/Macular atrophy | 252 |
Maküler kistoid lezyon/Macular cystoid lesion | 44 |
Malignite/Malignancy | 377 |
Mantar/Fungi | 332 |
Marjinal zon/Marginal zone | 53 |
Melanom/Melanoma | 50 |
Mevsimsel/Seasona | 94 |
Mikrobiyal keratit/Microbial keratitis | 206 |
Mini-skleral lens/Mini-scleral lens | 339 |
Miyopi/Myopia | 387 |
Morquio sendromu/Morquio syndrome | 183 |
Mukopolisakkaridoz/Mucopolysaccharidoses | 183 |
Multimodal görüntüleme/Multimodal imaging | 190 |
Mutlak ve rölatif reflektivite/ | |
Absolute and relative reflectivity | 283 |
Neovasküler glokom/Neovascular glaucoma | 107 |
Neovasküler yaşa bağlı maküla dejenerasyonu/ | |
Neovascular age-related macular degeneration | 275 |
Nidek RS-3000 Advance/Nidek RS-3000 Advance | 228 |
Obstrüktif uyku apne sendromu/ | |
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome | 356 |
OEMS sendromu/POEMS syndrome | 371 |
Oftalmia nodosa/Ophthalmia nodosa | 107 |
Oftalmoloji/Ophthalmology | 37, 392, 393 |
Oftalmomiyazis/Ophthalmomyiasis | 381 |
OKT artefaktları/OCT artifacts | 99 |
OKT’de anatomik varyasyonlar/OCT anatomic variations | 99 |
OKT/OCT | 211 |
Oküler adneksal lenfoma/Ocular adnexal lymphoma | 53 |
Oküler cevap analizörü/Ocular response analyzer | 71 |
Oküler hastalık/Ocular disease | 216 |
Oküler tonometre/Ocular tonometry | 271 |
Oküler Yüzey Hastalıkları İndeksi/ | |
Ocular Surface Disease Index | 133 |
Ön kamara/Anterior chamber | 20 |
Optik disk hipoplazisi/Optic disc hypoplasia | 190 |
Optik diskin situs inversusu/ | |
Situs inversus of the optic disc | 190 |
Optik koherens tomografi anjiyografi/Optical coherence tomography angiography | 123, 248, 313, 321 |
Optik koherens tomografi/ | |
Optical coherence tomography | 1, 26, 99, 123,163, 193, |
221, 228, 252, 313, 321 | |
Optikal/Optical | 264 |
Orbita miyazisi/Orbital myiasis | 381 |
Otofloresan/Autofluorescence | 6 |
Otozomal resesif kalıtım/ | |
Autosomal recessive inheritance | 245 |
OYHİ/OSDI | 75 |
Östrojen reseptörü/Estrogen receptor | 216 |
Paraneoplastik sendrom/Paraneoplastic syndrome | 377 |
Parasantral akut orta makülopati/ | |
Paracentral acute middle maculopathy | 193 |
Pars plana vitrektomi/Pars plana vitrectomy | 115 |
Pektral domain optik koherens tomografi/ | |
Spectral domain optical coherence tomography | 56 |
Penetran keratoplast/Penetrating keratoplasty | 206, 304, 323 |
Periferik değişiklik/Peripheral abnormalities | 6 |
Periorbital doku/Periorbital tissue | 356 |
Piggyback lensler/Piggyback lenses | 234 |
Polimorfizm/Polymorphism | 216 |
Posterior mikroftalmi/Posterior microphthalmo | 44 |
Posterior vitreus dekolmanı/ | |
Posterior vitreous detachment | 56 |
Prematür retinopatis/Retinopathy of prematurity | 87 |
Prematüre retinopatisi/Retinopathy of prematurity | 351 |
Primer açık açılı glokom/Primary open-angle glaucom | 75 |
PRK/PRK | 127 |
Prognoz/Prognosis | 169, 221, 293, 362 |
Pseudopitozis/Pseudoptosis | 151 |
Purtscher retinopatisi/Purtscher retinopathy | 123 |
R555W mutasyonu/R555W mutation | 64 |
Radyasyon retinopatisi/Radiation retinopathy | 156 |
Regmatojen retina dekolman/ | |
Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment | 94 |
Retina atrofisi/Retinal atrophy | 387 |
Retina sinir lifi tabakası/Retinal nerve fiber layer | 313 |
Retina sinir lifi/Retinal nerve fiber | 211 |
Retina/Retina | 228 |
Retinopati/Retinopathy | 255 |
Retinoskizis/Retinoschisis | 44 |
Risk faktörleri/Risk factors | 351 |
Risk tahmini/Risk prediction | 87 |
Sarkoidozis/Sarcoidosis | 50 |
Şaşılık/Strabismus | 143 |
Scheie sendromu/Scheie syndrome | 183 |
Schirmer test/Schirmer test | 133 |
Siklopentolat/Cyclopentolate | 20 |
Sinyal gücü/Signal strength | 1 |
Sitomegalovirüs/Cytomegalovirus | 304 |
Sınıf 3-önemi bilinmeyen varyant (c755A>G [P.Lys252Arg])/Class 3 variant of uncertain significance | |
(c755A>G [P.Lys252Arg]) | 245 |
Skleral lensler/Scleral lenses | 234 |
Sklerit/Scleritis | 377 |
Somali/Somalia | 288 |
SS-OKT/SS-OCT | 31 |
Standart Dresden protokolü/Standard Dresden protocol | 200 |
Stereopsis/Stereoacuity | 15 |
Stereotaktik radyocerrahi/Stereotactic radiosurgery | 156 |
Stickler sendromu/Stickler syndrome | 387 |
Tam kan sayımı/Complete blood coun | 87 |
Tanı/diagnosis | 293 |
Tedavi/Management | 362 |
Tedavi/Treatment | 169 |
TGFBI geni/TGFBI gene | 64 |
Tip 2 neovaskülarizasyon/Type II neovascularization | 187 |
Tıp etiği/Medical ethics | 37, 392, 393 |
Yapay zeka/Artificial intelligence | 393 |
Toksik/Toxic | 255 |
Toksoplazmozis/Toxoplasmosis | 248 |
Topikal tedavi/Topical treatment | 258 |
Transepitelyal fotorefraktif keratektom/ | |
Transepithelial photorefractive keratectomy | 127 |
Alkol yardımlı fotorefraktif keratektomi/ | |
Alcohol-assisted photorefractive keratectomy | 127 |
Travma/Trauma | 288 |
Travoprost/Travoprost | 75 |
Tripan mavisi/Trypan blue | 308 |
Trombosit/Platelet | 351 |
Tutarlılık/Agreement | 264 |
UBM/UBM | 31 |
Ultra geniş açılı görüntüleme/Ultrawide-field imaging | 6 |
Unilateral retina pigment epitel disgenezisi/ | |
Unilateral retinal pigment epithelium dysgenesis | 187 |
Uvea melanomu/Uveal melanoma | 156 |
Üveit/Uveitis | 50 |
Vemurafenib/Vemurafenib | 50 |
Viral endotelit/Viral endotheliitis | 304 |
Vitrektomi/Vitrectomy | 283 |
Vitreus/Vitreous | 308 |
Vücut pozisyonu/Body positio | 271 |
X’e bağlı retinoskizis/X-linked retinoschisis | 252 |
Yapay zeka/Artificial intelligence | 37, 392, 393 |
Yaşa bağlı maküla dejeneresansı/ | |
Age-related macular degeneration | 6 |
Yeşil hastalık/Green disease | 99 |
Yüksek derece aberasyon/High order aberration | 127, 151 |
Yumuşak lensler/Soft lenses | 234 |
Z-miyotomi/Z-myotomy | 82 |