To investigate the intraobserver variability of dynamic contour tonometer (DCT) measurements and to evaluate the correlation between the readings and ocular biometric factors.
Consecutive 3 measurements of DCT were performed to 78 healthy male subjects. Central corneal thickness (CCT), axial length (AL) and anterior chamber depth (ACD) values were measured for evaluation of possible correlations.
A total of 155 eyes of 78 cases with a mean age of 20,8 ± 1,6 (20-27) years were included into the study. Mean CCT was 549,7 ± 36,1 μm, mean AL was 23,7 ± 0,8 mm and mean ACD was 3,6 ± 0,3 mm. Intraobserver correlation coefficients (%95 confidence interval) were 0,70 (0,63–0,76) for intraocular pressure (IOP) and 0,78 (0,72–0,83) for ocular pulse amplitude (OPA). Mild to moderate positive correlation was detected between the IOP and CCT (r:0,34 p
The agreement of the intraobserver variability of IOP and OPA measurements by DCT were found high. DCT readings were affected by CCT.
Dynamic contour tonometer, intraobserver variability, ocular biometric factors, ocular pulse amplitude
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