P: 358-363
December 2011


Turk J Ophthalmol 2011;41(6):358-363
1. Istanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpasa Tip Fakültesi, Göz Hastaliklari Anabilim Dali, Istanbul, Türkiye
No information available.
No information available

While we leave year 2011…

Respectable colleagues,

Intensive, selfless, and dynamic working process that we initiated beginning from January 2010 with intent to move forward, ensure to reach well-deserved place in international platforms “Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology”, which is the only media organ of “Turkish Ophthalmology Society” has also been continued with the same pertinacity and consistency in 2011. At the end of this process ongoing for two years, our journal has been tailored for international standards and has been virtually remodel, thereby making many radical changes.

I desire to share with you a new application along with the last issue of this year. Prior to publication of “Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology”, a folder that contains the articles belonging to in press volume will be prepared and this folder will include titles of articles, authors, summary and full-text in pdf format and DOI number of articles. After these processes are completed, the prepared file will be sent you by e-mail before “Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology” reaches your hand. By this means, opportunity for citing to articles published in “Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology” will be provided and consequently increase in cited ratio of our journal, very important for acceptance to SCI-E, will be ensured.

The rate of preference by authors of our journal has raised by means of the changes made and meticulously obeying to flow chart within period from submission to publication of the article. Number of submitted articles to our journal is increasing significantly every passing year. 113 articles in 2009, 191 articles in 2010, and 215 articles in 2011 were accepted to publication.

Out of 215 articles accepted within this year, a total of 81 articles, 6 in English (in six volumes) were published. Other articles are awaiting to be published in subsequent issues. 52 articles submitted in 2011 were rejected. 130 referees expert in his/her field were assigned in review of the articles sent in the year 2011.

On behalf of “Turkish Ophthalmology Society”, the most successful three articles were rewarded at “45th Annual Congress of TOS”. Awarded articles were selected from published articles in 2010. All awards given at “45th Annual Congress of TOS” are appeared in “the awards page”  

Currently, “Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology” is indexed in Gale/Cengage Learning, Index Copernicus, EBSCO Database, Scopus, Turkish Medline-National Citation Index and TUBITAK/ULAKBIM Turkish Medical Index. Our application for SCI-E is under evaluation.

To promote “Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology, I would like to emphasize once again that citation number is very important as well as original and proper articles for the acceptance of our application for SCI-E.  I would like you to show greater sensitivity to these issues and support us.

The year 2011 had been a quite business year for our journal. I would like to thank to editorial board for their valuable comments and contributions, to my associate editors Prof. Dr. Halil Ateş and Associate Prof. Dr. Ümit Aykan, who I always felt with me in the process of formation of each issue of our journal, to Galenos Publishing for their performances in the publication phase of our journal, and to my colleagues who sent their valuable studies and enhanced the prestige of our journal. I hope the year 2012 will bring healthy, happiness, success and peace to all my colleagues.  I would like to repeat my belief that we will move forward our journal with our works in cooperation in new year.    

With Warmest Regards and Love,
Prof. Dr. Nevbahar Tamçelik
The Editor of 
Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology (TJO)