Comparıson Of Vısual Functıons After Cataract Operatıons In Whıch Bılateral Multıfocal And Monofocal Intraocular Lens Implanted - Original Article
Original Article
P: 305-309
July 2008

Comparıson Of Vısual Functıons After Cataract Operatıons In Whıch Bılateral Multıfocal And Monofocal Intraocular Lens Implanted - Original Article

Turk J Ophthalmol 2008;38(4):305-309
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 15.01.2007
Accepted Date: 23.05.2008



There was no statistically significant difference between the monofocal and multi-fokal IOL groups for mean binocular (1.03 in both groups) and monocular distance UCVA (0.92 in monocular IOL, 0.94 in multifocal IOL group) and also for mean astigmatism (0.513± 0.15 D in multifocal group, 0.575±0.11 D in monofocal group) and spheric refraction values (0.569±0.27 D in multifocal group, 0.563±0.28 D in monofocal group) (p>0.05). Binocular mean UCVA for near (0.798±0.124) and DCVA for near (0.86±0.097) in multifocal lens group were statistically higher than monofocal group's values (0.331±0.059 UCVA for near, 0.32± 0.056 DCVA for near) (p= 0.0001). Two patients in multifocal group, all of the patients in monofocal group need to use spectacles.


In this prospective, randomized study 20 eyes of 10 patients with cataract were operated by phacoemulsification technique and acrylic hydrophylic foldable multifocal IOLs (Preziol®) were implanted bilaterally. In control group 20 eyes of 10 patients were operated and monofocal foldable acrylic IOLs (Alcon Acrysoft) implanted bilaterally. During the postoperative 3 months refractive values, binocular and monocular uncorrected visual acuities (UCVA) for distance, binocular uncorrected and distance corrected visual acuities (DCVA) for near and contrast sensitivities for distance were measured for each eye by F.A.C.T test. In this study statistical analysis were made by Mann Whitney-U test and Fischer exact test. Results were accepted statistically meaningful when p<0.05.


To compare visual acuities and contrast sensitivities after bilateral cataract ext-raction and multifocal and monofocal intraocular lenses (IOL) implantation.